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Title Categories Replies Views Activity
Administration Understanding of Daily 5/CAFE Miscellaneous 1 1.8k 8 years 11 months
Math Daily 3 student choice during “round” Math Daily 3 7 1.8k 6 years 1 day
How to make sense of the flow chart Daily 5 0 1.8k 10 years 3 weeks
Is CAFE posting board necessary for older students? CAFE 8 1.8k 7 years 1 month
Please can we have books for older readers on the Daily Cafe website CAFE 1 1.8k 9 years 2 months
Looking for Classrooms to Watch the Daily 5 in Action Miscellaneous 0 1.8k 9 years 9 months
About the Conferring category CAFE 0 1.8k 10 years 2 months
Sequence of reading skills in Kindergarten CAFE 1 1.8k 9 years 10 months
Small Group Ideas? CAFE 1 1.8k 8 years 11 months
Student Achievement Results on State and District Outcome Assessments Miscellaneous 2 1.8k 8 years 6 months
Listening to Reading - full class Daily 5 1 1.8k 9 years 11 months
List of CAFE books in Spanish? CAFE 1 1.8k 8 years 8 months
Soda can demo--Accuracy leads to comprehension and fluency CAFE 1 1.8k 8 years 9 months
Can't access videos The Daily CAFE 1 1.8k 9 years 6 months
District adoption of program - Wonders or Engage NY Miscellaneous 1 1.8k 8 years 6 months

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