Is there a CAFE board for writing? How do you display your writing strategies?

Update: Due to the popularity of this post and Suzanne Rea's answer below, we created an updated thread. Please use the updated thread to request a copy of Suzanne's CORE menu. Updated thread: CORE Writing Menu. We will be removing posts below that contain email addresses.

Thank you! —The Daily CAFE Team, November 12, 2019






I’ll send it to you in just a bit. Please note the statement at the bottom that we used the Sisters menu format for our writing menu :).

Mary Morelli

srea, I too am interested in the CORE grade 2 writing menu. If is not too late to have a copy, may I please?
Thank you!
I would really appreciate it.
[email protected]


Sure, I can send it to you. Just an FYI that our menu is based on the form of the CAFE menu, as noted on the bottom of the sheet. Let me know if you have any questions.

Sonia Dickson

Hi srea…hope this gets through. I came across your writing strategies template based on cafe board and loved it immediately. If its still being shared i would love a copy. Thank you sooo much. I’ll trial it with my year 1 and 2 class here in new zealand. Thanks again.
[email protected]


I will send them along to you. It’s exciting for us to know the menus will be used in New Zealand!!!

Sonia Labelle

Hello, I am a «conseillère pédagogique en français» in my school board in Gatineau Québec Canada and many teachers are starting to use CAFÉ in french. They love it. I would love to receive the writing menu so I could see how I can make one in french. A lot of teachers started using the for writing. I wonder how I could bring all of it in one menu. Here is my adress: [email protected]. Thank you very much for the document.
Happy Easter!

Sandra Baker

I would love a copy of the writing menu, CORE. [email protected]


I’ll send them your way–just a note that the menu format is based on the Sister’s reading menu, as noted on the bottom ;).

Ann Welch

Hi. Sorry…I forgot to send my e-mail address to [email protected]. I hope you are able to share the writing rubric. Thank you!

Emma Gentle

Could I please have a copy of the CORE writing menu?! It looks fantastic!! Its my first year teaching stage 1 as I have only ever taught from year 4 up and i’m so nervous! [email protected]

Josephine Grimaldi

Hi! I’m new to Daily 5/CAFE. So new that I my first go at it will be next school year!!! I really like your CORE menu of writing strategies. If possible, could you please email me a copy of your CORE menu? [email protected]
If you don’t have one already, you should really consider opening a TPT store with the menu and headers for bulletin boards. I’m sure many teachers would be interested in having that available.
Now if someone would create a 4-letter acronym of strategies to work with Math Daily 3…
Thank you!

Sarah Reynolds

icafewriting.jpg1650x1275 103 KB

Attached is the menu I created with a third grade teacher. We call it “I-CAFE” and structured using the Writing Workshop process. Many of the menu items are district specific terms.

Susan Salvi

Does this mean you are doing “writing workshop” during “work on writing” time? or is this being done at another time during the school day?


Many people do a writer’s workshop outside of the Daily 5 time. work on writing is reserved for free writing journal time. I’ll email you the menu.

Megan Lamb

Hello! I would like a copy of the menu as well. Thank you!
[email protected]

Peggy Andrews

would you also email me:slight_smile: [email protected]

Susan Salvi

Please also send me a copy at [email protected]! Thank you!

Lyla Eldredge

Thank you for the work that’s gone into this. May I also have a copy of it? I teach 2nd grade. 

[email protected]

Susan Andres

I would love a copy as well. [email protected]

Kayla Lindstedt

Could I please get a copy as well? My e-mail is [email protected] Thank you so much. I went to the daily five workshop here in Orlando and it was great, but they did not discuss writing at all!

David Mullins

srea, it looks like your rubric is still in high demand!
If you would please send me a copy, I would be very appreciative!
[email protected]

Susan Anderson

I would love a copy of your fabulous document!
Would you please share it with me. The use of the CORE acronym is so smart!
[email protected]

Narissa Schmidt

Hi! I know this post is from a while ago but I would also love to have a copy of your Writing Menu as well! My email is [email protected]
Thank you!

Katherine Heilman

May I have a copy of the CORE writing rubric?
I have a rubric we use, if you would like to see it.
Where would I send it?
With Sincere Thanks,
Kay Heilman

Amy Heim

I would love a copy of the First grade CORE writing. I will be new to first grade next year! [email protected]


I’ll get it to you soon.

Kathy Sahagian

Could I get a copy too? [email protected]
Thank you so much,


I just sent it your way.


I will send it to you, and would love to have a copy of your rubric, too! My email is [email protected]. What’s yours?


Just sent you the CORE menu this morning

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