
Is there a document that has a list of the mentor texts used to teach each strategy for CAFE? If you click on the strategy on the CAFE menu it gives you a lesson with a book, but it also has a section of suggested books. Is there a list anywhere that has each of these books listed under the strategy that they teach?






There isn’t, mostly because the books are referenced for several strategies in the actual Lit Lessons section. Using the Interactive Menu is probably the easiest way to find suggested books for specific strategies.
If you click on the this link, all the Lit Lessons to date are listed by title. And this link is for the Book Looks, also in abc order.
What I did for myself was to print out both of these lists and jot down beside each one what strategies I used them for (either the suggested ones or others I discovered). My goal is to create a google doc with the titles/strategies so that I can add and change as I discover new titles or others are added to the site here. That may be a summer project, though :).
Another project I did for myself was to actually print out all the lit lessons and book looks and put them in a notebook to have at my fingertips. Now, this did take a while until I got into a rhythm, but once it was done, I just add to it as new books write-ups appear in the Tip of the Week.
Hope these ideas help!


Yes I also printed them and put them into a binder. That was very helpful to pull them out when needed. But having them on a google doc is a great idea!
Thank you!

Meg Ryan

This link didn't work.  Is there a new list of books?


Meg Ryan?  famous name :).  Try this link: 

Lynn McSparin“must-have”-list-strategy-instruction-and-reading-aloud

Davina Fortin

Page not found when opening the links.

Elizabeth Tovar

It didn't work!

Christin Baxter

Thank you! That is what I had in mind. Google docs is what we use too, but this can get me started! Thank you for sharing!

Mikell Groff-Kauhaihao

None of the links on this thread work.  Is there any updated lists that are active? I would love to see this list.

Kathleen Crouch

Hi, I just found that if you click on CAFE at the top of the page and then listed under Resources you will see Lit Lessons and the link to many wonderful books!

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