Displaying 1 - 10 of 220 Search Results
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Looking for a way to gradually release students to choose their own books?

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Review I PICK with this reader's theatre script.

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Provide students with this tool and they’ll be able to choose books that fit them perfectly. 

Tip of the week
Understanding Average Introducing Math Tool Kits Monitor and Fix Up: Grade-Level-Specific Lessons Improvement Versus Perfection


Worried about choosing the perfect strategy with a child?  Take a deep breath and read this.  


Take a look at this new way to use I PICK, and print off the bookmarks for your students! 

Article - Video

Whether partners share one book or two, are of equal abilities or at very different levels, they can learn how to quickly agree on a book and get started right away. 


Choosing a partner is a foundational skill for Math with Someone (as well as a myriad of other activities throughout the school day). Here are four steps that will make this process go smoothly and efficiently. 


One way to share good-fit books is to show how our own reading material fits each I-PICK criterion. 

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