Picking the Perfect Strategy


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Sometimes it is easy to figure out a child's goal, but trickier to narrow down the strategies that would be most useful for them. Many of our young readers need every strategy on the CAFE menu, and our eyes race from one strategy to the next as our minds try to settle on which one would be perfect. We used to worry that if we didn't pick the perfect strategy, our students would fail to move forward. We are relieved to report that nothing dreadful has ever happened from picking a strategy and moving forward with it. Here is why. Once a strategy is chosen and recorded, we focus on it every time we meet with the child, whether in a small group, or one on one. We note his or her progress each time. If the strategy doesn't seem to be working for the student, we change to another strategy. If the child is moving forward, we continue to deepen their knowledge of the strategy.

Our more advanced readers challenge us in other ways. They have often mastered many strategies on the CAFE Menu. As with any advancing reader, we ask them to discuss what they know about themselves as a reader and we listen carefully. They frequently know what they want and need to work on. Because our advanced readers are typically proficient with accuracy and fluency already, their goals tend to focus on comprehension and expanding vocabulary.

As with everything else, the more we practiced, the more confident we became at strategically matching students with a beneficial strategy.  The same thing will happen for you.  Until then, rely on data, trust your instincts, and just jump in.

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