
Wondering if anyone has aligned the Balanced Literacy Approach to the CAFE?






I teach in a balanced literacy district (we haven’t had a basal in many, many years). Balanced Literacy does work. Teachers need to be on board, and they need to be open minded. CAFE/Daily 5 and balanced literacy are a perfect fit and aren’t really that dissimilar.
Balanced literacy (BL) is: independent reading, shared reading, guided reading, read aloud and word study. CAFE/Daily 5 really is all of those plus work on writing. (The shared reading and read alouds from BL part are the minilessons, and the guided reading is structured into strategy grouping.)
There are some differences but nothing too dissimilar. I LOVE the freedom to do what I feel is best practice and best for my students. I would have a really hard time teaching a “one size fits all” program when we know that is NOT what is best for students! CAFE/Daily 5 and balanced literacy allow teachers to differentiate instruction and truly meet the needs of our students.

Dina Fennerty

Thank you for your post. I have been struggling to find a balance because my district wants us to use the basal and I do not feel it is reaching most of my students.

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