
I am wondering how to help assess/hold students accountable for the practice of certain strategies which are "internal"- for example, check for understanding or cross checking.  For some strategies it is easy to think of a functional way for them to demonstrate their use of the strategy.  For "Tune in to Interesting Words" it is easy to have them record the interesting words they have found in their notebook, but many of the strategies are more difficult to document.  Any suggestions?







Interesting you should bring this up, as just this morning, we posted a Member Minute about assessing strategies with rubrics.  You can find them at this link:  https://www.thedailycafe.com/content/pre-assessing-strategies 

Kim Kaiser

I clicked the link and got a reply that the page cant be found.


I also clicked on the link and the page was not found. Any suggestions? 


I see what you mean.  Here's what worked for me:  I copied the link into a new browser window.  Then it worked perfectly.  Give that a try--sorry for the link problem. 

Jeanine Lovelace

Hi, the page can not be seen even when copying the link, or opening it into a new window.



I'm sorry this is giving people trouble, but I'm in Chrome and just clicked the link here.  It went right to the pre-assessing strategies article.  Would you mind clicking this link? (I kow it looks exactly the same, but it worked for some reason for me.)


Have  you seen the Assessing Student Learning documents and rubrics that are available for almost every strategy?  They can be accessed by going to the Interactive Menu under CAFE on the home page.  Click on the strategy you are working on, and you'll see links to all related content on the website--including the Assessming Student Learning PDFs.  They give several ways to assess the strategy, and some include a sample sheet you might use.  You can print them out copy the rubric for each child who is working on this strategy.  

Here's the link to the one for Check for Understanding.  Copy and paste it into your browser for easy viewing:  https://www.thedailycafe.com/sites/default/files/downloadable_resources/... Check it out and let us know what you think!  




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