Implementing The Literacy CAFE System? Explore CAFE topics, share your ideas, experiences and add new questions about everything from assessment to teaching tips to unique situations.

Applying CAFE to your kindergarten classroom? Go to the “Kindergarten” category for discussions about adjusting CAFE practices for these energetic students!

The Literacy CAFE™ System helps students understand and master the four key components of successful reading: Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary.

The CAFE System is delivered through the structure and framework of The Daily 5, which builds independence and stamina.

The CAFE Menu breaks each component—comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary—into significant strategies that support each goal. Posted on the classroom wall and built throughout the year, it serves as a visual reminder of whole-class instruction as well as individual student goals.

Teachers use The CAFE System to assess, instruct, and monitor student progress. It provides tools for constructing group and individual lessons that provide just-in-time instruction, ensuring that all students reach their potential. The system helps teachers:

  • Establish and track the strengths and goals of each child by

    providing a structure for conferring;
  • Organize assessment data and use it to inform instruction;
  • Maximize time with students in whole-group, small-group, and one-on-one settings;
  • Create flexible small groups focused on specific reading needs;
  • Engage students,fostering ownership and accountability to reach goals;
  • Develop a common language to talk about reading development and proficiency.

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