Displaying 61 - 70 of 254 Search Results
Tip of the week
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Through Literacy Spine Label Poetry Idea Index—A Personalized Ready Reference Does Your Voice Smile?

Tip of the week
Tip of the week

Are your parent-teacher conferences right around the corner? You may want to adopt some of these ideas to make them memorable this year.

Article - Link

Here are more ways we can encourage students to use their reading, writing, speaking and listening abilities, research skills, and critical thinking to make author studies come alive.


A simple yet powerful system to take advantage of the seasonal nature of schools through reflection, rejuvenation, professional development, and setting intentions. 

Forum Topic
I am loving my start of the Daily 5, my kids are doing better than I expected and they love it as well! I am just trying to manage it all. I have Tier 3 pullout in am, kids with me will start a round during this block and I can get some conferrring done. In the afternoon I have two reading teachers...

Article - Video

There was a lot of grieving when our district banned the couches in our rooms. Leave it to the amazing Mr. Frank to not let regulations get in the way of what he knows to be best for his kids. He inspires us every day!

Forum Topic


My students enjoy epic books but no one likes the MP3s or Leap pad. I loop 2nd/3rd grade. Any suggestions? We do have listening centers with CDs. Also not a hit. Other teachers do "rotations" not true choice for centers. My kids are skipping listen to reading.

Forum Topic
I am trying so hard to get CAFE and Daily 5 up and running smoothly. I am struggling with the number of touchpoints I have on each student. I want to meet with them more often. I realize that I will meet more often with some than others, but how do I make sure I get to everyone in a week? Some...

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