
About one-third of my class are barometer children. We are struggling to maintain stamina for conferring and small groups to occur. Suggestions?






Have you seen these short articles on the website concerning barometer children?
Five levels of support for Barometer Children:
Positive feedback for Barometer Children:
I especially think finding different kinds of seating is very helpful. We use laundry baskets/tubs for kids, and they love them. Works often, but not always–as anything else!

Molly Miller

I do have a question regarding the Five Levels of Support for Barometer Children.
What is a “green card”? Level 1 has “green card” listed. I can’t find any reference to what the green card means or if it is a strategy for behavior. HELP!


Here is a bit of an article on the website
“As you can see in the picture, Gail and Sue are conferring with a student in Sue’s class. Sue is wearing a lanyard with a green card hanging from it. This is the visual cue Sue uses. We know the power of positive reinforcement, in particular with students who crave attention and may even misbehave to get attention. With an acknowledging smile, Sue flashes the green card to her barometer children when they are working independently, and then continues to work with the child or children in front of her. The simple act of flashing the green card is often enough to buoy the student up and keep him or her going a bit longer. This little trick is like being in two places at once.”

Molly Miller

I do remember that article! The link you provided take me to the Daily 5 website and there is an error message stating the article doesn’t exist anymore. Help please


Hmmm . … . . Not sure why that happened, but this way worked for me.

  1. Go to website
  2. Search for “barometer student visual cue”
  3. The article will come up.

Let me know if you still have a problem.

Molly Miller

That worked. Thanks so much!


You’re welcome! Hope this helps.

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