Displaying 1 - 10 of 119 Search Results
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Share this video with your students, and send home the included parent letter to keep kids reading all summer long!

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Watch this two-part coaching session where Gail shares the big ideas and application gleaned from her interview with Dr. Jody Carrington. 

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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Watch as Kid Teacher Hadley teaches SPACE at home.

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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