
What components of Daily 5 have pull-out K-1 Reading Specialist used?






I’m a reading specialist with grades 1-5, and I use much of the CAFE and a bit of Daily 5 with my groups. I must start off by saying that I’m fortunate to have no more than 4 (and usually 3) students in my groups.
Each student has their own menu in their folder that we refer to often. I mark the strategy they are working with at the time, and write it on a bookmark for them to take with them to their classroom and home. Usually, I introduce a book that would be appropriate for the group. Strategies that are similar for all members are discussed together, and we do our first read together. Then, I have one student read with me at a time (may or may not be the whole book, depending upon the level of the book). I use their individual CAFE menus during this time to reinforce their particular need.
While conferring one on one, the other members of the group are either writing about the book (various topics), writing sentences with words from the story, or working on phonemic or alphabetic knowledge activities. I read for about 7 min with each as they rotate through the other activities.
The last couple of minutes of our time is a “wrap-up” about what we’ve done during the sessions.
Of course, every day is a little different, so there’s not one structure that works all the time :).
Let me know if these ideas help you at all.

Lisa Walter

I like your idea of giving each student their own menu; I’ve been trying to use one menu for each group and it isn’t working out well!
I am a reading specialist at a K-2 school; I see my first grade pull out groups every day, so I’ve been doing guided reading and some whole group word work lesson, and some conferencing during partner reading on M, T, W; then we do Word Work activities/conferencing on Thursday. We wrap up the week with a read aloud and response journal/writing on Friday. Seems to be working, but now my groups are grown to 5-6 students each which makes it tough.
Thanks for sharing your ideas - will definitely try the cafe menu idea with my second grade students. So nice to read a post from a reading specialist! I sometimes feel a bit isolated!


Sounds like you have a great plan that works for you. I don’t like it when groups get above 4–so I know how you feel.
I think you’ll like using the individual menus–even with only 4 kiddos in a group, they all are so different that the menu helps me and them keep them on track for their strategies.
I’d love to hear other ideas you have, too .

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