Roxane Daniel

Hello All. So, Daily 5 has been going great! However, I am noticing now, stamina is starting to slip. Everything was fine until I allowed them to read to someone. They are doing this well, but I am thinking that it is causing others to be off task. They are starting to wander around etc. I am now pulling small groups and am needing this time, (it is critical) and can’t be stopping after 3 minutes to track stamina at this point, as I spent SO much time on that (as it should be) and they had it DOWN (so I thought). Any suggestions?







I’ve seen teachers limit the number of pairs that can do Read to Someone during one round-- for example, 2 or 3 sets only. The teacher has set definite expectations, so that it becomes a “special treat” and kids are mindful of the expected behaviors. That may help.

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