
This is my first year using Daily 5/Cafe Cafe and I literally could not be more excited. I have a wide range of reading levels and I can already tell they are all showing a ridiculous amount of growth. I was just curious for those who have used daily 5 cafe bedore - what is the typical or average amount of reading levels your students have gained in one school year? I know this varies but I am curious if they seem to move up more than before you used this framework?

Also just wanted to add that my students performed below the district on their reading district pretest and on our 1st quarter reading DA they performed WAY above the district. Daily 5 Cafe has been a GODSEND!





Valerie Rozehnal

Hello Erin,
Daily 5 was implemented fully in my grade 3 classroom last year and students flourished! Students whose reading levels were stagnant for quite a while, saw their reading go up on average 10 levels and with renewed confidence in their overall skills. For those few who were close to a grade 3 reading level already, surpassed it and ended the year with a reading level associated to an end of grade 4 level (generally a 5-8 level growth).
You’ll be looking at a huge jump this year from your students that’s for sure!
Have an awesome year,

Erin Walker

Thank you so much for your reply! It is exciting to hear the gains your students have made. It makes me that much more excited to be able to see where they will be at the end of the year


Right this minute, I can’t seem to put my finger on the article I know is right here on the site that discusses this. I know I’ve heard the Sisters discuss students’ gaining up to 2 years growth. I’ll keep looking . . .
One thing I see in kids I work with that makes me smile even more, is that kids LOVE books and reading–and choose it over other activities. I especially love it when they say things like this, “What?? We can’t have Daily 5 today because of the Holiday Program??” And truly mean it :).
Love for reading is the biggest payoff!!

Erin Walker

Oh, I totally agree! Especially for the students who struggle so much with grade level text and looked at reading as something that was too hard for them and unattainable. It is SO rewarding to see their love for reading grow <3 And I have to admit that my love for reading has grown this year as well

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