
Hi all! First time posting on the board. Question that some may have advice on:

Due to our rigorous standards, I need my students to be doing some standards based work during Read to Self centers. My students are doing a great job building stamina, but I have noticed that when I ask them to do something in their reading notebooks (like use a word collector, for instance) that they spend almost all the center time reading and often forget to do the activities in their notebooks. How do you help the students manage their time so they read AND complete any needed activities during this time? Thanks for your advice!





Robin Wooten

What a great problem - they are too interested in their reading!!! I can’t say I’ve been in a similar circumstance, but are you giving them an opportunity to “share” afterwards? If not, maybe this would help give them purpose & motivation to do the activity…


If they aren’t required to respond every day, you might try having a “Thoughtful Thursday time” during their writing, reflect back over the books they’ve read during the week.

Jason Niedermeyer

I have given my students a journal to write in. They get to read all week long and they sit down to write me a letter. Thy love telling me about what they read about. They even ask me questions along the way. I then take their journal and respond to their writing. They love getting a chance to express their thoughts and writing a note to the teacher.

Victoria Grenier

I have made bookmarks for my students to use to practice their reading strategies. This way the bookmark is with them when they are doing their reading and they don’t forget as easily.


Great idea, Victoria! Also there are bookmarks made for most every strategy here on the website. If you go to the “Interactive CAFE Menu” and click on the strategy you are working on, lots of supportive materials pop up. If you scroll down to near the bottom, you’ll find a link to the bookmark for the strategy.

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