5 Suggestions for Reestablishing Independence


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It is not uncommon for behaviors to slip a bit throughout the year. Before and after holidays, after an absence from school, when spring is in the air, or any time there is a disruption to the school routine, behaviors of independence may deteriorate.

Here are a few suggestions to support student independence:

1. Bring those I-charts back out for a review. Revise and add new items to address current concerns.

2. Take a day to go back through the 10 Steps of Independence and expected behaviors. We even have kids model the correct and incorrect behavior again.

3. We know that choice for students brings about optimum learning. However, pulling back for a few days and eliminating choice for a bit can bring an about-face regarding bumpy behaviors.

 4. Stop small-group work for a couple days and focus exclusively on individual conferring. Proximity often facilitates more appropriate behavior.

5. If all else fails, set up a video camera. As a class, watch the video to see the behaviors taking place. Sometimes, seeing is believing.

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