Trust Me


Allison Behne

January 27, 2023

“Trust me, I’m a doctor.” Seeing this on the sweatshirt of the customer ahead of me made me laugh. I didn’t know him, but his work boots, grease-stained hands, and gruff appearance made me question the validity of the statement on his shirt. Ha ha. Now, it could very well have been true, but needless to say, I would not have sat down to share my health history in hopes that he would have a plan for me. Just because his shirt said he was a doctor didn’t make it true.

Does this sound familiar? You may have seen the meme on the internet with a picture of Abraham Lincoln that says, “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet just because there’s a picture with a quote next to it.” If this meme wasn’t so obviously false, one might use it incorrectly.

When I was working on my graduate degree, I remember thinking how different it would have been without technology. My aunt received her master’s degree in education in the 1980s, when there was no such thing as a Google search. The time she spent in the library reading and researching for her papers was extensive. She still needed to know her sources were credible, but their validity was not as questionable. Although it is much easier to find information for research now, it has become even more essential to check facts and sources and use our critical thinking skills.

We are in the business of educating children. It is a serious job with great responsibility. Of course we want to do what is best for them in all we do. That means we can’t trust blindly. Just because we read it on the internet doesn’t make it true. Just because there was a news article on it doesn’t mean it shares both sides. Just because another teacher shared their opinion doesn’t mean they’re right. It is important for us to do the work, read what is written, listen to those who share, and make educated and informed decisions about what we do with and for the students we teach.

We work to be part of your information source each week through the tip, as needed on the website, and frequently through our coaching sessions and open-door conversations. Thank you for being part of our journey! May we continue to do the work together so that we create teaching and learning experiences our students deserve. And, so that we can mean it when we say, “Trust me, I’m your teacher.”   

Are you ready to help your school level up in their approach to Daily 5 and CAFE? We are putting together a small cohort of educators for a winter session of the Daily 5 and CAFE Intensive for Instructional Coaches. This 12-week, self-guided online seminar presents the why and how of Daily 5 and CAFE, along with effective coaching strategies to support instructional leaders as they transfer their learning to the educators they work with daily. There intensive includes five, live, online coaching sessions with Jessica Hellberg—our coaching expert. 

The maximum cohort size is 20 educators. Learn more here, and email us if you want in!


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