Let's Talk About Daily 5


Social Media platforms can be wonderful and informative and opinionated and confusing and so much more. They can provide a great place for learning and collaboration among peers. And, as long as we don't believe everything we read on the internet, and we are diligent about fact-checking, we can really use it to grow our practice! We spend a lot of time learning and listening and collaborating with teachers in a variety of groups on various platforms and recently have found a question that keeps appearing: What activities are most effective and what structure works well to keep students accountable? What are students doing when the teacher meets with small groups and individually confers with students? How do we know our students are engaged in purposeful work? 

Often Daily 5 is mentioned in the comments, but with the caviat of "I use a form of Daily 5," or "I use part of Daily 5," and many times the original intent of Daily 5 is lost. Recently Gail shared a response with a group of engaged educators who are really interested in sharing and growing. You may have seen it online, and we wanted to share it here in case you missed it. 

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