I-Charts with Experienced Students


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By Rachel Stephens

My fourth grade students take an active role in helping to create our I-Charts when we are launching Daily 5. We keep them up throughout the year to reflect on our successes and also use them in cases where we have "forgotten" what independent working looks like.

Because I am a teacher who loops with my students, I decided that we don't need to have the same posters up for two years in a row. Staring at my sloppy writing for two years would just be torture! So for fifth grade we change it up a bit.

Our Daily 5 launch is a sort of modified launch. They know the expectations and routines, but we still need to re-address the basics and go over our agreements. When I am launching a new Daily 5 element, we use our poster from last year to introduce the procedure. We reflect on our writing and our behaviors from the year before and make any changes that are needed.

Instead of writing them all up again, I type up our new I-charts and post them in the room on 8x11 paper. This allows us to keep our Daily 5 agreements visible, but also frees up valuable wall space for our new learning throughout the year.

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