Family Fun Reading Letter


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You remember how much fun it was for students to read each day in your classroom during Daily 5. Surely you want your children to keep that reading momentum going over the summer months. Here is a brief note you can share to encourage families to make reading a big part of their summer plans!

Dear Families,

As you know, your child participated in the Daily 5 this year. Each day, your student enjoyed ample time to do independent reading. Now that the school year is ending, I hope that all the children in our class will continue to read every day. There are many ways in which you can promote reading fun for your family. Here are some suggestions:

1.  Together as a family, go to the library often. Make it a special outing. Talk about your own childhood favorite books and authors on the way there. Get to know your readers’ favorite kinds of books, and urge them to read different genres as well. Help them discover new authors throughout the summer. The staff at the public library will be happy to guide you if you have questions.

2.  Find out about library story times and special events that promote reading in your community. Libraries, park districts, museums, Boys & Girls Clubs, and community centers offer all kinds of learning opportunities that are free or low cost.

3.  With your child’s help, create a reading nook in your home, designed especially for your reader. This space does not have to be large or fancy. Ask your child about well-liked places to read in the classroom, and try to re-create one of those spaces at home. Many children like to read on a beanbag or other comfortable chair in a peaceful corner of the home. Some like to spread out on a comfortable blanket and read on the floor. Helping to create a comfortable reading space will encourage your child to read more and for longer periods of time.

4.  Establish a special reading time each evening when the whole family gathers. You might want to share a read-aloud with your children or give everyone the opportunity to read silently. Setting aside a few minutes for each reader to share will add to the fun! Make a list of all the books the family reads so that you can continue to talk about them.

5.  Plan a reading afternoon at the park or in your backyard. Gather some snacks as well as some books, magazines, or the Sunday comics and get ready to enjoy! Or, announce a flashlight reading night when you get to enjoy your books in the outdoors after dark. When your children see how much fun reading can be for everyone in the family, they will want to read more and more!

I’ll miss my readers this summer, but I know you will do many fun reading activities with your children!




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