Usually I find just about anything on this website–my hands-down educational favorite–energizing and positive. Why did the essay “It’s the Little Things” by Maurita Aubrey make me feel I fall short every day? Darn–not a happy way to end the week.






I certainly don’t think that was the intention ;). But I do think it’s important to keep in mind. When I stop to think about it, I can remember way back in elementary school an off-hand comment (or no comment) by a teacher that still sticks in my mind. I think we just need to be mindful to remember to care for the whole child.
A favorite poem of mine starts out as a saying we all know:
“Stick and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me.”
However, if you read further in the poem, in continues like this: (I don’t mean for this to be a further Friday downer , bur rather something to think about. I’m sure you’re wonderful with your kiddos!!)

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