
I am enjoying the look of the new website.

Does anyone know why sometimes I visit the site I see the headers... 

Daily 5     CAFE       Math Daily 3

and somtimes the headers are...

About    Tip of the week    CCPensieve    Publications

I support a lot of school with the implemtation of D5 and CAFE and I find the website easier to navigate when

Daily 5     CAFE       Math Daily 3

are the headers.

Thanks for any insight anyone might have :) 






You really should be able to see all of these headers from the main page.  Here' the link of what I see:  https://www.thedailycafe.com/ . Now, if you're using a phone or iPad, the view might be a bit different based on the screen's view.  But on a computer screen, all should show.  

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