
I am starting my online/distant learning adventure. I want to continue to use the I-Chart model for expectations that we use for everything in the classroom. My students and I have made charts for everything from how they should be in the courtyard to PE. I am thinking that it would  be nice to have a chart for Zoom meetings, but I am having trouble with the expectations for both students and teacher. I am wondering if anyone has put one together or has any ideas about what should or should not be included on the chart. 

So far I have my ways for Zoom meeting being: It's fun, To learn, To be together

For the teacher expectations: be on time, be prepared

For Students: be on time, be prepared






Great question! We have an article coming out about this in Friday's Tip! Here is a link to the article: I would love to see pictures of i-charts or hear what others are doing for this as well! Thanks for starting the conversation!

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