Small Saul By Ashley Spires


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This hysterical new book, Small Saul by Ashley Spires is a delightful way to teach many reading strategies as well as behavioral strategies. Saul, the main character, loved the sea from a very young age. Too small to join the navy, he realized that becoming a pirate was his ticket to a seaworthy life. His personal characteristics make him an unusual pirate, but he eventually finds his place among a boisterous crew. It is a great book for launching a discussion about goal setting and the determination, despite setbacks, required to achieve our goals. The exquisite vocabulary makes it a great book for expanding vocabulary. Not only is this a funny and clever read-aloud to be enjoyed by students of all ages, it is has a plethora of teaching opportunities as well.

  • C: Use prior knowledge to connect with text
  • C: Determine and analyze author's purpose and support with text
  • A: Use the picture...Do the words and pictures match?
  • F: Adjust and apply different reading rates to match text
  • F: Use punctuation to enhance phrasing and prosody
  • E: Tune in to interesting words and use new vocabulary in my speaking and writing
  • E: Use prior knowledge and context to predict and confirm meaning
  • E: Use pictures, illustrations and diagrams

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