(Lori Sabo)
Teacher, Librarian, Coach, Writer
Kent, WA
United States

Lori Sabo's formal teaching career began in 1997, but she'll tell you it began informally when she was in sixth grade and was asked to work with first graders. Lori has a master's degree in education and has worked as a teacher, K–6 librarian, literacy coach, and has led professional development in her school district. She possesses great rapport with both teachers and students, using her sense of humor to provide a rigorous yet relaxed and comfortable learning atmosphere. Her students love her and the time they spend in her class, where they are highly engaged in the authentic learning experiences she orchestrates for them. Lori enjoys writing, is passionate about children’s books, and is an expert in all aspects of literacy. Lori has been part of our journey since the beginning and even took several of the photos that were featured in the first edition of The Daily 5. She can be characterized by Stephen Covey’s trust behaviors: “Talk straight, demonstrate respect, create transparency, right wrongs, show loyalty, deliver results, get better, confront reality, clarify expectations, practice accountability, listen first, keep commitments, and extend trust.” Quoted in “The character of a coach” by Kay Psencik (2015) in Journal of Staff Development 36 (1), 52–55.

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