Literacy CAFE Menu


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Here is what a CAFE Menu looked like in a K-2 classroom in November.

The CAFE Menu started with the heading titles at the top and the colored sheets below. Strategies were introduced and taught beginning on the first day of school. Once the strategies were taught and modeled for a few days, a child took a blank card from the cache of cards located in a clear pocket on the lower left side of the CAFE board, wrote the strategy, and posted it in its correct place on the board. The CAFE Menu board is created together.

When it is created by students and built together, it becomes the visual aid that anchors our shared learning.  

As we assess children, we invite them into the goal setting process. Depending on need, children place their name on a sticky note and place it under the heading that matches their goal(s): Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency or Expand Vocabulary. 

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