Be Like a Caddy


March 24, 2023

Todd Gordon

I enjoy golf, and if I’m home, I usually watch golf on Sunday afternoon. As I was watching this past weekend, I started to really pay attention to the interactions between the golfer and their caddy.

I got to thinking, Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had a caddy walking alongside us during the day? Better yet, maybe we could help those around us by being like a caddy for them.

Here are just a few of the encouraging words some of the caddies said:

“Love it, buddy.”
“Believe in it.”
“Great job.”
“You got this.”
“Perfect. Do it.”
“Go for it.”

Words, simple words, spoken at the right moment instill confidence. They show that the caddy believes in their golfer. At times one of the most important things caddies do is get their golfers to slow down and think before they act. 

In addition to all the encouragement they give, the caddy does another important thing: They carry the bag. They carry the load. 

You may need a caddy, but today maybe one of the most important things you can do is be like a caddy for someone around you. 

Encourage them.
Instill confidence.
Help them think.
Carry the load.

What you give, you eventually receive. 

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