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We regularly hear from teachers and principals from all over the world about how Daily 5, CAFE, and Math Daily 3 have not only changed their teaching, but also increased their students’ engagement and achievement. These teachers are so pleased with their results that they are moved to share them with their colleagues, the parents of their students, and other educators. We are often asked how they can best get others on board. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Sign up for the Tip of the Week.
  2. Visit classrooms where these methods are being used correctly.
  3. Participate in a book study with other teachers. Book study guides for both The Daily 5, and The CAFE Book.
  4. Invite someone who currently uses Daily 5 to speak at a staff meeting to share their enthusiasm and results.
  5. Share the research.
  6. Search The Daily CAFE website for “leadership support” or “administrative support.”
  7.  Use your room as a pilot room and share your data with others. When they see your scores, they won’t be able to argue! 

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