Lightbulb Moments

Unplanned Lessons for Teachers from Teachers

By Gail Boushey and Allison Behne

Aha moments are everywhere! Chances are you have already had one today. They are often hidden in places where we least expect them—during a trip to the grocery store, on a car ride, at a ball game. The magic of these moments happens when we reflect and are inspired to apply what we’ve learned from them. In this book we share 50 short stories where the lightbulb turned on (it’s bright in here!) and we found a connection to our teaching. We call these lightbulb moments—moments when our personal and professional lives collide and we see an opportunity for growth. Let these moments create joy, spark reflection, and motivate you to find the aha in your every day.

This is the perfect book for the teacher in your life—get it for yourself, for a colleague, or as a gift for your child’s teacher! Each lightbulb moment is accompanied by a quote and space to reflect.

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