
I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with teaching reading/language arts, and math to a group of kids K-4th) who have such a wide range of age and ability. I’m hoping to make this work and am wondering if there are any other teachers in a similar situation. It seems the group lessons will be tough as some aren’t suggested for kindergarten students.






That must be an amazing group to work with!!
In relation to Language Arts, I would think about choosing group lessons for the whole group that would be appropriate for the majority of the kids. Those might include self monitoring, using prior knowledge, making mental images, asking questions throughout the text (all comprehension strategies). Under accuracy, you might choose cross-checking, using the pictures and skip the word and come back. Appropriate Fluency strategies might include voracious reading and practicing common sight words. Certainly, tune into interesting words is important for all readers :).
You could choose books to introduce the lessons that would be of interest to the various ages of kids you have (see some suggested titles on the Interactive Menu here on the site).
When you come to strategies that are more specific to the beginning or more advanced readers, you could do those in small group lessons while the other students are in rounds.
I would think a difficult piece of getting started might be building stamina, as the attention of older/versus younger kiddos is so different. Anyone else in a similar situation with ideas to share?

Maria Seesz

Thank you. The stamina factor is one I’m wondering about with the age differences. I was asked today what I planned to do with spelling! August 25th seems hours away!!


You might also check out this discussion. Although it’s a bit different situation, there might a bit of encouragement and tips you will find helpful.

CAFE seems so overwhelming with 30 kids HELP!

First of all, I applaud you to be able to keep 30 kindergarteners on task with ANY program you do!! That said, I think if you remember the first rule of any management program, and most definitely with Daily 5–TAKE YOUR TIME!! smile Those first few weeks of school should be spent getting your kiddos to build stamina in the early lessons. (Refer to the book and here on the website). When it says "day 1, day 2, etc", think in terms of accomplishments–when you've accomplished what it su…

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