Your Happiness Is Up to You


Carol Moehrle

Do you work with others who have a hard time being happy? You know, the ones who just can’t seem to be happy with anything that is happening in their world? They complain about their job and their home and their car and their kids and the weather and on and on . . . They just can’t find the happiness that is owed to them. I see these people all the time. They ask how come I’m always happy and smiling. They tell me how lucky I am to live such a life that I am always happy.

What they don’t understand is that happiness is up to you. No one else controls your happiness, and no one can give happiness to you.

According to Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh, “Happiness is simply a way of being. Many people think excitement is happiness . . . But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace.”

If you struggle with happiness, consider these five things:

  1. Count your blessings.
  2. Balance work and life.
  3. Don’t hold a grudge.
  4. Accept what you have.
  5. Choose happiness.

May you find peace and happiness in your life.



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