What’s for Breakfast?


Carol Moehrle

The saying Breakfast is the most important meal of the day was first coined by Seventh-day Adventists James Caleb Jackson and John Harvey Kellogg in the 19th century. If you recognized the name Kellogg, you may have guessed that they came up with the saying to sell their newly invented breakfast cereal. Since then, the push to eat a healthful breakfast has shifted to consuming a variety of foods, not just cereal. There are hundreds of opinions and research articles on the benefits of breakfast, but what do you think? Do you eat breakfast each day? What do you eat?

Here are some things to consider as you analyze your breakfast habits:

  • When you wake each day, your body has gone seven to nine hours without food or nourishment. Your body needs some morning nourishment to get you going and keep you going.
  • Eating food in the morning kick-starts your metabolism, which helps you burn calories throughout the day.
  • Eating in the morning gives you energy to work and focus.
  • Eating nutritious foods sets the tone for the day and promotes weight management by maintaining your blood glucose levels and your metabolism.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers these healthy breakfast suggestions for you and your family:

  • Choose lean protein, Canadian bacon, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, yogurt.
  • Pair the protein with whole-grain cereal or oatmeal.
  • Add fruits and vegetables each day. Top your yogurt with fruit or add vegetables to your omelet.
  • If you don’t have time in the morning to make a nutritious breakfast, prepare as much as you can the night before so you are ready to go in the morning.

Breakfast truly is an important start to your day. Choose your food items with care, and nourish your body and mind with healthful foods.


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