Teacher Stamina


Joan Moser

February 24, 2011

February 25, 2011

We had a conversation recently with a literacy coach friend who shared that many teachers were struggling with their students academically and behaviorally as the school year hit it's midpoint. We pondered whether or not it was time to bring the I-charts back out again, revisit correct and incorrect modeling, zeroing in on the behaviors of independence that needed a boost. The conversation then took an unpredictable shift as we wondered if the students' stamina was breaking down or was it perhaps the teachers' stamina that had waned?

This time of year can be challenging—students may not be making as much progress as we would like, state testing and/or report card due dates create time pressure and additional stress, colds and the never-ending-bad-weather-blues settle in, and the media is filled with bad education news at every turn.

Since we frequently and naturally focus on building stamina with students, shouldn't we just as naturally reflect on and build our own? If you are feeling tired, weary, and mentally preoccupied with the pressures and stress, perhaps it's a sign that your own stamina has weakened. There are simple things you can do to refocus, recharge and renew your stamina for this hard work we all feel called to. Here are a few of our favorites:

Don't spend too much time at school. Make the most of the time you are there, work hard, then leave!

Get more exercise. You don't have to join an expensive gym, just get out and take a walk! Let the fresh air clear your head. We know teachers who started a walking club 3 times a week after school. What a fun way to build camaraderie!

Disconnect. While it's important to be informed, your spirit might be better nourished if the television is off and your favorite music is on. Give yourself a break from the news.

Curl up with a good book. When is the last time you read a great book that you could hardly put down? Escaping for a bit into a great story is like a mini vacation.

Get more rest! Treat yourself to cozy pajamas and an early night. It's amazing what getting the right amount of sleep can do.

Lastly, laugh every day! Life is funny. Kids are funny! Just today a little girl came from the lunch line with only a cupcake and syrup for her pancakes. "Don't you want some grapes or carrot sticks?" "No, I'm not that kind of hungry." Funny!

Let's be honest. This is a hard job. If we don't take time to nourish our bodies, minds and spirits, our stamina will suffer. Do something for yourself today, so you'll have more of yourself to give tomorrow.

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