Sweet Silence


Carol Moehrle

In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.  —Mahatma Gandhi

The world around us is constantly busy and noisy. We are surrounded by technology, people, and things that move, vibrate, ring, buzz, twinkle, honk, roar, and sing. Seldom are we alone in the quiet to let our thoughts just happen. We are influenced by all the activity and stimulation surrounding us.

People respond differently to the stimuli around them. Some thrive in a noisy, energetic atmosphere. Others need moments of quiet solitude to focus and gain stability.

Sometimes we become so accustomed to the craziness and noise that we don't even realize it's adding more stress. It's important to find time in each day to settle down in stillness and quiet, away from all external stimuli and noise. If you are unaccustomed to it, it will feel uncomfortable at first. But as you adjust, you'll discover you actually need the few minutes of peace to reflect, be still, and absorb the quiet.  

Find your time for silence.



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