Remembering Patience


Carol Moehrle

Patience is a virtue, and my patience has been tested recently. You know the times when you feel totally out of control of the situations and events around you? It took me a while to recognize why I was being irritable and upset with those around me. I really wanted to blame someone for my less than sunshiny attitude, but when I finally took a deep breath, I realized that I had lost my patience and was the only one who could get it back.

My favorite technique for gaining balance is deep breathing. I took a deep breath, held it for a count of 10, and exhaled slowly. That was enough time for me to gather a moment of calm and to regain balance in my mind and body. I also did self-talk as I practiced deep breathing, reminding myself to “relax, be calm, and find patience.”

Patience is a virtue we all possess. Some practice patience better than others, but we are all capable of unending patience. When we look inward and past the situations that tip our balance, we will find our patience.

Recognize when you have run low on patience. Take a deep breath, and hold it while you remind yourself to relax, be calm and find patience. You may need several deep breaths and reminders, but balance and patience will return. Practice makes perfect!



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