Positive Thoughts


Carol Moehrle

Start every day with positive thoughts.

The thoughts we focus on and what we give attention to will grow.
If we focus our thoughts on frustrations and negativity, we will be frustrated with everything we do. Likewise, if we focus on being happy and healthy, and think of positive words and outcomes, we will follow those happy thoughts in our mind and our actions.

Try this simple exercise each morning as you are getting ready for the day or while you’re on your way to work.
Breathe in, hold it, and then breathe out slowly. With this initial breath, clear your mind of any clutter and worry that might already be there.
Inhale again, and this time say to yourself, “I am.”
Now exhale, and say to yourself, “Happy.”
Now smile :-)

For each of the next five breaths you will be saying “I am happy” and putting a smile on your face to reflect a happy mood.
These five simple breaths will prepare your mind and attitude for the day.

If at any time during the day you find yourself slipping back into frustration or negative thoughts, give yourself five more “happy” breaths. You will be amazed at the positive turnaround in your mental attitude.

Plant positive words in your mind and follow through with a smile on your face. You will be happier, and your day will follow your attitude.


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