The Portable Magic of Books


Carol Moehrle

Books are a uniquely portable magic.  
—Stephen King

I love a good book. I love to read, and I love magic, so this quote from Stephen King resonated with me on many levels.

When was the last time you got totally absorbed in a good book simply for pleasure, not because you thought you needed to read it? If you can't remember, then it is time you allowed yourself the time and comfort of a good read.

We read the newspaper, emails, Facebook, and Twitter posts. We read signs, directions, magazines, and blog posts. Though these count as reading, they are not magical. Magical reading is the reading that pulls us into another time or place, and it's a wonderful way to put aside our stress and concerns. 

Give yourself permission to get absorbed in the magic of a book. Let yourself float on the portable magic that the words bring you, and then share that magic with someone else.

Read a good book for your health! The magic will change your life in many positive ways.



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