Mental Space


Carol Moehrle

Space is mental as well as physical.

Physical space can be as big as a room or a house, or as small as the inside of a vehicle.

Mental space can be filled with the quiet of your own thoughts or the music of your favorite orchestra. It is as important as physical space in our daily lives. The ability to allow ourselves a few minutes each day to retreat to our personal mental space is critical to our finding balance.

What do you do in your mental space? You can use your mental space to look at the wonderful events and confusing happenings of each day. Maybe you use it to set your daily intentions in the morning and to reflect on them when the day is over. You can use your mental space to help you unwind from the whirlwind of each day or to focus on meditating and daydreaming.

No matter what physical space you are in, you can open your mental space and realign your thoughts to find your daily balance.

Stay balanced within your mental space.


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