Looking for Solutions


Carol Moehrle

If we look around, it won’t take us long to find problems with people, our environment, or our society. If we look for problems or trouble, we will find them.

Likewise, if we look for opportunities and resources and solutions, we will find them.

Looking for solutions can be harder than just identifying a problem. It’s pretty easy to make a list or point a finger when something is bothering us. But if we focus only on challenges and never take steps toward solutions, we will be frustrated with the world around us.

It takes all of us working together to make a large change. However, each one of us doing one small thing adds up. Each small change or step toward a solution is magnified when we put all of our energy together to find positive outcomes.

So whether you are frustrated at school, at home, or with your community, find an issue you are passionate about and help make one small, positive change. You will be amazed at the ripple effect it has on others and how much it helps in the work toward solutions.

Don’t just focus on the problems. Be part of the team working on solutions.


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