Keep Track of Happiness


Carol Moehrle

The other day I saw a friend who had just gotten married. As she told me about all the changes in her life, she said "I'm so happy." Her smile reached her eyes as she spoke.

I've thought about that conversation a lot lately, and it has caused me to think about what happiness is—not what makes me happy, but taking an introspective look to put into words what happiness feels like inside.

Happiness is much more than new things. It's more than friends and family, children, and grandchildren. Oh yes, they add to our happiness, but what makes us feel happiness on the inside?

Happiness has many personal meanings. For some it's an inner feeling of calm and contentment. To others it may be the giggles you get when you view life with a comical twist, or the belly laugh when you let yourself go. How do you define happiness?

When I look inside and ask myself what happiness looks like, these are some of the thoughts and words that come to the surface:

  • Balance and focus

  • Vitality

  • Self-confidence

  • Contentment

  • Calming scattered energies

What words or phrases do you think of when you describe what happiness looks like? Start your own list today and see how your happiness is communicated in words.


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