A Hive of Curiosity


Carol Moehrle

A hive of curiosity. What picture does this bring to mind for you? I see a beehive with lots of little bees busily at work. I feel the energy that vibrates off their wings as they hover around their hive. And even from a distance, I can hear the unique buzzing sound that bees make.

Like bees, children also buzz and stir around busily. Energy vibrates from their little bodies as they investigate and learn, driven by their persistent curiosity about life.

It can be dangerous to disrupt bees going about their daily tasks around the hive. Similarly, we never want to limit the curiosity of children or suppress their buzz of energy and excitement, which so easily draws others into their circle. Nothing is as powerful as a hive of curious children as they explore and learn.

One of my goals is to never curb the curiosity of a busy hive.


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