To Have Been Loved So Deeply


Carol Moehrle

 To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever.  
~J. K. Rowling

Many of us have experienced the loss of a loved one. We hope that with time the pain of the loss will ease. The void we feel when they are gone is often a measure of the deep love we shared with this person.  We know we cannot replace this loved one, but somehow we hope to adapt to a happy life without them.

It's been several years since our dad passed away. Gail, Joan, and I have adjusted to the shock of hearing the news and have survived the many details that had to be dealt with. (Thanks to our brother who shouldered most of that burden for us.) Our family has been together to celebrate happy occasions such as graduations, a family reunion, the birth of a baby, and a wedding. We have survived, even though we miss Dad every day, especially at these family gatherings.

As time begins to heal our hearts, I reflect on how blessed we are to have been loved so deeply by our parents. No one can take away the love and support that we grew up with and that we experienced even as adults. If we focus on that love, we find that it's still there, surrounding our hearts and minds, protecting us forever.

I know that the love our parents shared with each of us continues to live on. As we look back on the years since Dad died, I see that his deep love for us has given us a protection that will last forever. He will always be with us in our hearts.

If you are hurting from loss, draw strength from the love that you shared with the person who is gone. It will protect your heart forever.



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