Handle Me with Care


Carol Moehrle

I received a package in the mail last week that had “Handle with Care” stamped in big bold letters on the outside. It made me smile to think that the package was so important to the sender that they wanted all who came into contact with it to know it needed a special gentle touch.

What would happen if we all had a “Handle Me with Care” sign that showed the world how fragile and important we are? When did we begin taking for granted the fragile nature of life and health?

When was the last time you took a deep breath and calmed yourself before you said something negative to someone? Do you look at each individual child, teen, adult, and senior citizen with love and respect? Are your thoughts and actions toward others positive and caring?

Although we may encounter differences with some people in our lives, all of them deserve respect and to be handled with care. Life is fragile. People are fragile, both mentally and physically. Let’s try treating each other with the gentleness with which we handle a fragile package and see what a positive effect it has on each life.

Handle each person with care!


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