Freshen Up Your Teaching


Jen McDonough

January 6, 2011

January 7, 2011

I strapped on my iPod and hit the road for a run after about a nine-month break. 

As I ran, I noticed that some of the old songs were making me feel heavy and slow—like a weight on my back, while some of the newer songs made me feel more energetic and excited. As I thought about it, I realized that I was just bored of listening to the old songs over and over. While once new and exciting, they had run their course and I was over them. I got back to the house and updated my song list that very night.

This got me thinking about my teaching. I started questioning some of my teaching moves and the curriculum that I teach year after year. As I thought about it, I realized that there are times in my teaching where it feels heavy and slow, the "old songs", and times where I feel energized and engaged! I started thinking that maybe it was time to freshen up my teaching, just like I freshened up my iPod. What teaching moves and curriculum have run their course, or been done too much? What about my teaching was making me feel energized and excited?

It is okay to let things go, even if they have been around for a long time, letting new teaching songs keep things fresh and new.

Think about your own teaching. What parts of your curriculum or teaching strategies seem ho hum or lack excitement for you and your kids? Are you doing it just because you have every year? Be open to change and bringing in the new! It will change the energy in your classroom for both you and the kids!

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