Forgiveness Is the Attribute of the Strong


Carol Moehrle

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
—Mahatma Gandhi

How strong are you? Are you confident in your personal self? Are you able to look objectively at yourself, your actions, and your words? 

When analyzing yourself, can you recognize and admit when you are wrong? When others are wrong or critical or hurtful, can you forgive them?

Holding a grudge and not forgiving is harmful physically and mentally. 

To forgive is to lift the burden of negativity. To forgive requires being on a higher level than others.

Can you forgive? Are you strong enough to forgive and let go?

Forgiveness brings you peace beyond imagining and frees your mind and heart of negative energy.

Be strong, and find strength and courage to forgive.



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