Find Joy Every Day


Carol Moehrle

As adults, we take ourselves too seriously most of the time. We forget that having fun is a wonderful, joyous part of our lives. We should remember that fun and joy contribute to a positive attitude. Finding joy in life makes life worthwhile.

Fun and joy can be found at every stage of our lives. Don’t expect to have others find joy for you. Finding joy is a personal responsibility and one that needs to be practiced daily.

Perhaps you find joy in reading or gardening. Maybe physical activity such as swimming, exercising, or dancing brings you joy. Cooking and caring for others can bring joy to your life. And don’t forget music. Whether you find joy in the rock concert or the classical piano solo, it’s easy to find joy in music.

As we find personal joy, it’s easy to share it with others. Much of our joy is shared joy. When we spend time with children and the elderly, friends and family, the joy is shared tenfold.

Look around and see the joy in yourself and others. Don’t forget to find your joy every day.

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