

Carol Moehrle

We all have feelings—strong, positive feelings as well as difficult, unpleasant ones. Depending on our attitude and the circumstances around us, these feelings come forward and want to be expressed.

The spectrum of feelings can range from over-the-moon happiness to deep, dark sadness. Every hour of the day we are somewhere on this feeling spectrum. Our feelings depend on mental as well as physical happenings around us. Pausing to recognize our feelings helps us identify where they come from.

Each day mental and physical events trigger our feelings. What feelings do you have when you are stuck in traffic? Do you sit patiently and sing to the music on the radio, and feel happy to be singing? Or do you feel your blood pressure rise and feel nervous because you will be late to work? Both reactions are common and determined by our attitude.

I remember when my children were young and pouting or in a bad mood. I would ask them to use their words to tell me how they were feeling. Out would come words such as mad, sad, upset. By giving their feelings words, we were able to work through the causes of those feelings. As adults we need the same reminder. Put into words how you are feeling. When you name your feelings, it’s easier to deal with them.

Try this exercise every day: Take a few moments to look inward and check on your feelings. Describe those feeling and give them a name. Do you feel anxiety about the unknown? Do you feel regret or remorse for something you did yesterday? Do you feel excitement about great news you have to share? Looking inward and naming your feelings will allow you to recognize and deal with the way you handle the situations around you.

Feelings are a wonderful part of our lives. Do a self-check and monitor them regularly.


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