Excellence Is a Habit


Carol Moehrle

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

How many times do we use the word excellent in our week? Whether dealing with young children or adults, we often use it to praise the work they've done or to give them encouragement to continue that work. ?Excellent job on that assignment!? ?You did excellent work.?

How many habits do you have? Whether good habits or bad habits, we have learned them through repeated actions and practice.

Excellence in work is often created after someone tries several times to produce the best product. It's the practice that becomes a habit that really matters. My mom always said. "Practice makes perfect," and she was so right. Whether it's reading, writing, music, or dance, continual practice does lead to an excellent outcome.

It takes ongoing repetition and practice to advance the skills children need to learn and grow and reach excellence. It's easy to slip out of good habits, especially after summer break or holidays, when the learning process starts again and continues until the next level of excellence is achieved.

Here is a special thank-you and congratulations to our teachers for being instrumental in helping students repeatedly learn and grow until it becomes a habit and each child reaches a new level of excellence.

Practice and repetition produce habits and habits lead to excellence.

Let's learn a new habit of excellence.


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