Every Day is the Best Day of the Year


Carol Moehrle

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. 
—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)

We look forward to the first day of a new school year. Students, parents, and teachers are ready, happy, excited, and energized for this day, this week, and this year. But how long does the energy and excitement last? How do you maintain this "best day" of the year every day?

We need to make a purposeful effort to make every day the best day. Try starting each morning with positive affirmations. Post them on your bathroom mirror, recite them while in the shower, and then take them to school with you and post them on your computer screen.

Repeat these five simple sentences as you prepare for each day:

  • Today is the best day of the year.
  • Today I will be positive.
  • Today I will be happy.
  • Today I choose to have fun.
  • Today is the best day!

Aren't we fortunate that if something diverts us from our best day, we get to try again tomorrow? Don't let yourself be sidetracked by negative influences. Start each day with positive energy and attitude to make every day the best day of the year.


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