Don't Worry, Be Happy


Carol Moehrle

"Here's a little song I wrote. You might want to sing it note for note. Don't worry, be happy."

This catchy Bobby McFerrin song was first released in September of 1988. The lyrics are simple, but they carry an important message, and once we hear the melody we may be humming it for hours.

Worry brings us down, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It causes palpable stress that is felt by those we live and work with. Internalized worrying ultimately makes us sick.

Are you a worrier? Some people choose not to dwell on issues they can't influence and they don't let the small things worry them. However, if you are like most people, worry creeps in from time to time. Some days we find it harder to put the worries away; to put on the happy face and move ahead. There are times when even the happiest of people worry. Here's my advice to those worriers out there:

  1. Set parameters on your worries.
  2. If you must worry, take 10 minutes a day and get all the worry out. Focus on it, fret about it, pace, and wring your hands.
  3. Then put your worries away. You've done your worrying for the day.
  4. Refocus on the positive and move forward. (Try this technique, it works!).

So, as you focus on this week's reflection, ask yourself: Am I a worrier? Do I balance worry with being happy? Does my worrying have a negative impact on my students, or my family? If it does, try the tips listed above. Setting time parameters on your worries will help you balance worry with happy.

Remember, "In every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double, don't worry, be happy."


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